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Alternative Method of Instruction – Inclement Weather

For the Inclement Weather for January 30 -February 3, 2023.

All AMI work should be turned in before March 1, 2023 to receive credit.

As per Arkansas Code Annotated § 6-10-127 a district may apply for up to 10 days of AMI for the use of alternative methods of instruction, including [remote] learning, on days when the district is closed due to exceptional or emergency circumstances such as inclement weather, contagious disease outbreak, utility outage, and other acts of God. 

yes Attendance for each period is based on the student’s completion of work for each course each day.

High School students should have assignments posted on Google Classroom for each class. 

For Elementary students who were sent home with AMI packets, they may complete those following the instructions provided with those packets 

For the Elementary students who did not receive packets see the links below to Elementary AMI Choice Boards:


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th-6th Grade



Occupational Therapy



For more assistance, you may contact the teacher through Google classroom or email.